The reality of Indian Students Studying Abroad

India has the highest diaspora in the world. One of the major reasons behind it is that India sends the highest number of students to other countries. It is second to China when it comes to students pursuing international studies. Every year lakhs of students go to foreign countries from India. According to a report by RedSeer, it is estimated that by 2024, 1.8 million Indians will be sending more than 85 billion USD on education overseas. Studying abroad has many advantages as well as many challenges.   If you are considering studying abroad, please feel free to talk to one of the best overseas admission and education consultants. You can also contact the best Career Counsellor in Delhi here.   How Many Indians Go Abroad to Study Every Year? In 2020, 2,59,655 Indians were studying abroad. This number went up by more than 71% in 2021, when 4,44,553 Indians went abroad to study. In the initial three months of 2022, 133,135 Indian students went abroad. It is estimated that by the end of 2022, this number will go beyond 400,000.   If you are planning to go abroad and want some guidance concerning your career and future, please feel free to reach out to the best Career Expert in Delhi or Study Abroad Consultants in Delhi.   Why Do Indians Prefer to Study Abroad? According to a study published by INTO, 41% of Indians prefer to study abroad, even if they are getting the same education in India. About 76% of Indian students prefer to settle overseas for work after completing a course. These numbers are even more shocking when the reasons behind them are explored. Here are some statistics to know why exactly Indian students prefer to study abroad.  
Reason to Study Abroad % of Indian students Agree
Salary Packages 45%
Quality Education 35%
To Pursue Different courses 15%
To Gain International exposure 5%
  About 45% of Indian students go abroad to study because of the better salary packages offered there. If we compare the average salary packages offered in Indian universities with foreign universities, then this reason seems justified.   Indian universities (other than IITs, IIMs or some big universities) on average are capable of providing students with a monthly job of 10,000 INR per month. On the other hand, foreign universities offer about 600-1000% more salary for a deserving student.   About 35% of Indian students go abroad for better education. It is a well-known fact that the education system in India is poor. Yes, India has produced some brilliant minds in the past and is still doing the same. However, the education system in India has deprived many students of quality education. It is predicted to change in the future with the emergence of the New Education Policy.   Which state sends the most students abroad? Many states like Punjab, which have a culture of going abroad for education and better work opportunities are among the top states to send students abroad every year.   Here is a list of the top five states:
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Punjab
  • Maharashtra
  • Gujarat
  • Tamil Nadu
  Although all the states send students abroad for studies, the above-given states send the most number of students every year.   Most Preferred Countries By Indian Students The top countries where Indian students prefer to go to study are  
Countries Number of students currently studying (approx)
Canada 230,000
USA 199,200
UK 117,970
Australia 96,000
China 23,000
New Zealand 20,000
  Most preferred Universities by Indian Students Indian students are in almost all the top universities in the world. Here is the list of top choices of Universities for Indian Students.
  • University of Toronto (Canada)
  • University of Waterloo (Canada)
  • McMaster University (Canada)
  • Columbia University (USA)
  • University of California (USA)
  • Stanford University (USA )
  • University of Cambridge (UK)
  • University of Warwick (UK)
  • University of Manchester (UK)
  • University of Adelaide (Australia)
  • University of Melbourne (Australia)
  There are other universities also where Indians apply for admission. However, these are the most popular choices for most people.   Most preferred Courses by Indian Students Abroad Indians mostly move abroad for under graduation or post-graduation degrees. Here is the list of the most preferred courses by Indian students abroad.
  1. Engineering
  2. Maths and computer science
  3. Management
  4. Social Science
  5. Physical and Life Sciences
  6. Fine and applied arts
  7. Health Professions
  Problems Faced By Indian Students Abroad When Indian students move to a foreign country to study, there are a lot of problems and challenges they have to face. Some of these problems are common for all of them and some are faced only by a few of them. Here are some of the challenges and problems faced by an Indian student in a foreign country.  
  1. Application Process
The first thing before going abroad to study is to apply for a foreign university. The admission process and visa process are so complex that some get tired of getting all the necessary documents.   If you want to study abroad and are facing problems related to the application or admission process, you should consider talking to an overseas career consultant.  
  1. Homesickness
After going abroad and staying there for a couple of days, many students start to feel homesick. This affects their studies as well as their health. In some extreme cases, students even go back and quit the idea of studying in a foreign country.   These situations arise because in India we are very close to our families and friends. We live in our home very comfortably. But there in foreign countries, we are on our own.   One way to resolve this issue is to acquire strong mental and emotional well-being. This can be done by talking to a professional foreign education consultant. Developing strong emotional health ensures your success not only abroad but also in life. That's why going to a counsellor or consultant helps.  
  1. Racism
One of the biggest problems that an Indian student faces in a foreign country is the problem of racism. There are a lot of cases of racism that Indians have to face in foreign countries.   In 2021, there was a case of racism in the UK. An Indian Student by the name of Rashmi Samant got elected as the President of the Oxford University Student Union. She became the first Indian to be elected as the president of the Oxford University Student Union. As soon as she was elected, she started to face cyberbullying. Many local students started to mock her and troll her based on her skin colour, nationality and religion. This issue got so worse that she had to resign from the post.   There are some more cases of racism that an Indian student has to face in a foreign land. But this is not the same for everyone. Some Indian students have said that they have never faced any kind of discrimination abroad. This shows that a nice neighbourhood is compulsory for Indians studying abroad.   If you are looking to move abroad and want to live in a nice neighbourhood, feel free to reach out to a study abroad consultant.  
  1. On Your Own
As talked before, in foreign countries an Indian student is on his own. He has to do it all by himself. He has to manage his studies, work, cooking food, cleaning etc by himself. Yes, you can have a roommate or a couple of them, but still, you have to manage a lot of things by yourself.  
  1. Financial Problems
Most Indian students in foreign countries are from middle-class families. Most of them are there because their parents have taken out a lot of loans. In addition to this, the expense of living in a foreign country is very high compared to India. All this pushes an Indian student from a middle-class family to the well of financial problems. Because of these conditions, they have to work more to earn more, this affects their studies. In some cases, many Indians get arrested for doing illegal activities for money. So, please avoid these kinds of easy money activities, if you are going abroad.  
  1. Integration
In a foreign university, there are students from different regions of the globe. This is an awkward situation for an Indian student. Many believe that Indians are generally not very social. However, It is not true for all of us. For most Indian students, it could be a very big task to mix up with other students of different nationalities.   Advantages of Studying Abroad According to a study, a globally recognised degree from a foreign university acts as a ticket to high-paying jobs. It is one of the advantages of studying abroad. There are many other advantages to studying abroad. Here are a few:  
  1. High paying jobs
According to a study, a foreign degree can land a high-paying job for Indians, especially in India. There is almost an 800% difference in the salary package of a degree from an Indian university and a degree from a foreign university.  
  1. Develop soft skills
When you live in a foreign land and meet different people, you develop many soft skills. These skills include adaptability, networking ability, communication skills, cultural, linguistic or religious tolerance etc. These qualities add to your overall personality and make you an attractive human being.  
  1. Self-dependence
As discussed above, in foreign countries you are on your own. This way you learn to manage time, work and studies. You learn to do basic things like cleaning the house, cooking, paying bills etc. It is such a common thing but in India, we all get everything done by our family. That's why initially Indian students abroad face some problems handling these things. This makes you self-dependent, a very important skill to have in this world.  
  1. Learn to apply yourself
This is another big advantage of studying abroad. During your course, most universities ask you to work or gain experience in the area of your specialisation. This is sometimes the mandatory criterion to complete a degree. This way you learn to apply the knowledge you have gained in class to real-world problems. A Quora user said that she was given full marks in a mathematics exam to apply the right concept, even though her answer was wrong. When she asked her professor about it, he told her that it is common to make mistakes during exams but you applied the right method. So in real life, if you get stuck on a problem you can apply the right method to solve that problem, and there are fewer chances to make mistakes in real life because you have all the necessary tools to make the right calculations.   Worth It or Just Status Symbol In this topic, we have learned so much about Indian students going abroad. But the real question that lingers in the mind of many students or parents is whether a foreign degree is worth it or not. The answer to this question depends upon many factors. One of them is the university and its location.   The country where you are going, the university where you are taking admission and the course you are choosing decides whether your degree is worth it or not. If you are going to a reputed university and pursuing a good career that is not available in India or in which India is not muchly advanced then you should go and study abroad.   However, there are many courses like engineering or medicine in which India is doing very well, but still, many students go abroad to study them because there are limited seats in reputed colleges in India for these courses.  So the University, Course and country matter. Choose the right one for yourself.   If you are confused about making a decision, talk to a professional. You can reach out to Study Abroad Consultants in Delhi or Mumbai.   Many Indian students move abroad because they can afford it. Most of them are there just to have fun and not to have a good quality education. They just want to be a part of a foreign university. It doesn't matter to them, how they perform in university or where they stand academically. For them, pursuing a degree from a foreign university is just a status symbol or a two-year trip.   Final Words India is also growing in the field of education. With the implementation of the New Education Policy, it is assumed to improve more. Yet, India has to do a lot in the field of education to compete with foreign universities. It will surely go on to be better in the future. Till then, if you are getting an opportunity to study abroad and if you and your family can afford it, it is advised to go and study there.   However, if you are not in a situation to bear the expenses of studying abroad, that is perfectly fine. You can achieve decent quality education in India. And with the help of the internet, you can learn a lot of things equivalent to or more than a student studying abroad.   Talk to a foreign education consultant in Delhi, if you are facing problems concerning studying abroad. The counsellor will help you through the entire admission process and will be in touch even after you land on foreign soil. If you are facing a problem concerning career options feel free to reach the best career counsellor in Delhi.        

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