What To Do After 10th?
It’s a common mistake that many students make after completing their 10th year of schooling – they assume that their future possibilities are more limited than they really are. As a result, they tend to accept certain tried and true career paths rather than considering what they really enjoy doing in life. If you think that situation applies to you, here’s what to do after the 10th:
1. Understand what your true passion is in life
Passion is the only key to success and happiness. If you truly love what you do in life, it will never feel like work. Thus, the decision of what to do after the 10th needs to be based on what you feel like your true calling is in life. For some people, this might be a vocational career, and for others, it might be a pre-university course (PUC).
Unfortunately, for many people, discovering what they love to do only comes later in life, when it is too late. So how do you really know what your true passion is in life? The good news is that there are many aptitude tests and personality tests that you can take that can help to steer you in the right direction. For example, if you really don’t enjoy math and science, then are you really suited for a diploma in engineering? And yet many students trudge off to future careers in engineering, without truly understanding all of their options.
2. Set personal goals for yourself
Setting goals is one of the most important things that you can do, at any stage of your life – and especially when you are considering what to do after the 10th. If you set a big, important goal – such as working for a certain technology company – then it is possible to work backward, considering all of the other, smaller goals that need to go into the achievement of that final goal.
Here, you will see that there are various alternative paths that you can follow. For example, let’s say that you have considered what to do after the 10th and have settled on a future career working for an exciting technology company. The next step is to understand the various educational paths that can lead to that goal. For example, you might get a diploma in engineering. But you could just as easily take a pre-university course, and then start your coursework within a chosen technology field.
3. Consider various new opportunities as they appear
Just a few years ago, could anyone have predicted the rapid rise of mobile phones and the whole mobile generation? But now a very standard career path is becoming a mobile developer for IT companies. That’s just one example how thinking about new, unexpected opportunities can help you to choose the appropriate path of what to do after the 10th grade.
Completing your 10th year of formal schooling is a very important – and exciting – time in your life. By following your true calling in life, setting personal goals for yourself, and embracing new opportunities as they appear, you can choose the right path that perfectly suits your skills, personality and aspirations. My book “What if you Love X and Marry Y”- “A Young Adult’s Guide for Overcoming Fears, Finding Passion and Choosing a Career like a right Life-partner” will answer every question of your’s!
Thank you for your time and interest on my work, hope you find it useful! if you have any questions, you can reach me by simply commenting below!
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